Ministère de la culture Inrap

Mazowieckie, LIW

Muzeum Zbrojownia na Zamku w Liwie

FreeFriday 14 June

Muzeum Zbrojownia na Zamku w Liwie
ul. Stefana Batorego 2, 07 - 100


Liw Castle Armoury Museum is one of the oldest examples of gothic architecture in the east part of Mazovia districkt. In the XV century duke of Mazovia Janusz the Old founded a gothic castle on an artificial island in the middle of the Liwiec river witch was a country border between the Grand Duchy of Lithania and the Kingdom of Poland. In the XVII century the castle have been destroyed by the swedish army. During second world war the nazis wanted to tear down the ruins and reuse materials in building the Treblinka contrentation camp. Then a young polish archeologist Otto Warpechowski persuaded a german officer that the castle had been built by the Teutonic Order, and thus saved the ruins from destruction. The museum exists since 1963 in a reconstructed baroq manor.

School group visits

School group visits

Presentation of an active excavation

On the 14th of July our guests will have an opportunyty to visit an active archeological excavation located near the castle’s tower. Schollars working there will explain what are they seacking underground and what can they read from the foundations they uncovered. If you take part in this event you might even get to touch a fingerprint that is 600 years old(!)


Friday 14 June de 12:00 à 13:00

General public

Access to the excavation site for people with mobility issues is limited.

Press contact:

Kacper Kacper

+48 792 57 17

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Access map

21.969911606037 52.373539415362