Ministère de la culture Inrap

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4 results
-- None --, Siguldas novads

Satesele Hillfort

Pēteralas iela 2,
LV-2150, Sigulda

Satesele Hillfort was the main Liv fortification on the left shore of the Gauja River until AD 1212. The Livonian Chronicle of Henry mentions it as belonging to lands led by elder Dabrelis.

The site is a monument to the Finno-Ugric Liv culture of the late Iron Age, the turbulent period of the Crusades, and the Christianisation in the 13th century. To honor the history and research of Satesele Hillfort, the Turaida Museum Reserve will host an event to increase interest in the archaeological site and its preservation.


Opening of book “Sateseles pils un zeme“ (Satesele castle and land)
The event honors the release of a new monograph “Sateseles pils un zeme“ (Satesele castle and land) about the history and research of Satesele Hillfort.
The opening will be held at the archaeological site and will be followed by a tour of the site, led by historian Guntis Zemītis who conducted excavations in the hillfort in 2005. In the venue, a new information stand about the hillfort will be opened and a musical greeting will lift the atmosphere.


Friday 14 June de 15:00 à 20:00

General public


Mobility issues / wheelchair

The venue and the main event are partially wheelchair accessible.

-- None --, Siguldas novads

Turaida Museum Reserve

Turaidas iela 10, Sigulda, Siguldas novads, LV-2150

The Turaida Museum Reserve preserves archaeological, historical, architectural, and art monuments that tell the history of a millennium, starting from the 11th century. A medieval castle, church, the Gauja Livs, historical manor estate, and the Hill of Dainas - each place has its own story.
The main events will take place in the 13th-century castle complex that will celebrate 810 this year. However, all visitors will have the chance to familiarize themselves with the thousand-year heritage of the Turaida historical center.

Discovery tour

The story of Turaidas archaeological research with the scribe and chief judge of Turaida castle
The Turaida Museum Reserve offers discovery tours about the archaeological sites of the territory and the history of the research expedition in the Turaida medieval castle. The public tours will be led by holders of important medieval positions - the scribe and chief judge of Turaida.
The tours will be in Latvian and available every hour.

6.00 €

Sunday 16 June de 13:00 à 16:00 (The tours start every hour)


Schoolchildren :

Primary, Secondary school (11-15 years), Secondary school (15 years and up)

The tours are suitable for school-age children.


Exciting Archeaology
“Exciting Archaeology“ will host multiple educational workshops where visitors can creatively learn about the archaeological heritage of Turaida and the local region. The workshops will be open continuously, offering exciting activities for all ages with ceramics, textile crafts, and topics related to an archaeologist's work and the archaeology of Turaida castle. The event will conclude with a musical performance.

6.00 €

Saturday 15 June de 13:00 à 19:00

Family, General public

Schoolchildren :

Primary, Secondary school (11-15 years), Secondary school (15 years and up)

The workshops include creative and craft-related activities that different ages of children can enjoy.

The courtyard of the medieval castle where the event takes place is wheelchair accessible.

-- None --, Cēsis, Latvia

Āraišu ezerpils Arheoloģiskais parks

67XJ+W6 Āraiši, Drabeši parish, Cēsis Municipality

The Āraišu lake settlement is the only reconstruction of a 9th-10th century fortified settlement in Europe. The park is distinguished by its unique archaeological findings, the reconstruction's location in its original setting and the well-preserved cultural landscape typical of Vidzeme, which contrasts positively with the modern urban environment. Guided tours on the ancient Latgalian way of life and building traditions are available. Programmes for different age groups, both children and adults, which help to better understand and feel the life of the ancient people in the Lake District.


Archaeologists will demonstrate Stone Age tools and technologies
Celebrating the European Archaeology Day's every June has become a tradition in Āraiši Archaeological Park, and this year is no exception. Continuing the well-established cooperation from the previous years, this year the events will again be organized together with the Latvian Association of Archaeologists, that unites more than 80 professional archaeologists and enthusiasts and is the largest professional organisation of its kind in Latvia. Everyone will be welcome at Āraiši Archaeological Park on the 15th of June from 12 to 17 PM for free entry!
This year the main location for activities is going to be the experimental archaeology zone in Meitu island - archaeologists will demonstrate Stone Age tools and technologies, offering visitors to take part both in the process of making the tools and also trying them out practically. There will be a chance to try out polishing a stone axe, fixing it to a shaft and using it to chop wood. There will be demonstrations of how to produce Stone Age glue from resin, charcoal and wax and use it to fasten flint tools into handles and a stone axe into its shaft, as well as using the produced tools for working with wood. Visitors will be able to try out drills of different constructions for drilling holes as well as making fire. Other activities will include grinding grain with a stone grinder and there will also be an archaeological ceramics expert showing how hand-made pottery was produced - from making the clay mass with additives to forming a vessel and decorating it with imprints. The youngest Stone Age enthusiasts will be offered a chance to construct their own Stone Age hut together with the Archaeological Park's staff.


Saturday 15 June de 12:00 à 17:00 00:00

Children, Family, Adults, General public, Schoolchildren

Schoolchildren :

Preschool, Primary, Secondary school (11-15 years), Secondary school (15 years and up)


Visual disability, Hearing disability

-- None --, Riga, Latvia

Eiropas Arheoloģijas dienas Latvijas Arheoklubā Lucavsalā

12:00 Saruna par arheologa profesiju un kultūrvēsturisko pieminekļu aizsardzības situāciju Latvijā - piedalīsies Latvijas Arheokluba vēsturnieki Atis Artmanis (Nacionālās kultūras mantojuma pārvaldes inspektors), Aivars Siliņš (Daugavas muzejs), Artūrs Tomsons (arheologs).
13:00 Stāsts par Eiropas arheoloģiskajiem parkiem, EXARC organizāciju, Latvijas Arheokluba attīstības vīziju Lucavsalā, video tūre pa dārzu (vad.: A.Tomsons)
13:30 Arhaiskās lokšaušanas stends (vad. A.Artmanis).
14:00 Apmeklētāju iepazīstināšana ar kluba dārzu un senajiem augiem; dzijas krāsošanas eksperiments ar Arheokluba dārzā izaudzēto krāsaugu - krāsu mēli (Isatis tinctoria L). (vad.: māksliniece Līva Kaprāle).
16:30 Bronzas kausēšanas eksperiments (vad.: A.Tomsons; adatas pinums - vad.folkloriste L.Kņaze

Discovery tour

A discussion with demonstrations and guided tours and workshops afterwards
A lecture about protection of cultural heritage, ancient archery, video tour around the archaeological garden bronze casting, dyeing the fabric with natural pigments and naalbinding workshops.


Saturday 15 June de 12:00 à 18:30

Children, Family, Adults, General public, Schoolchildren