Ministère de la culture Inrap


As part of its mission to disseminate archaeological knowledge, Inrap publishes, produces and co-produces documentaries, multimedia dossiers, exhibitions, etc. all of which are designed for cultural stakeholders, in particular the organisers of the NADs.

News reports

Every year, approximately twenty reports are produced on the latest discoveries made on archaeological sites. These film shoots offer the opportunity to interview field archaeologists, specialists in a particular period or discipline, developers and sometimes the general public. They provide insights into the work carried out by researchers and the scientific challenges faced when carrying out digs.

Animated films


 [A co-production by ARTE France, Inrap & Petite Ceinture]

Ten humorous animated films on a range of archaeological professions - xylologist, archaeozoologist, archaeologist, archeologist, use-wear analyst, topographer, palynologist, geomorphologist, ceramologist, anthropologist, charcoal analyst.



A co-production by ARTE France, Inrap & Doncvoilà Productions

These new animated films explore the way people used to live in the past and how they interacted with their environment. The chance thus given to our Experts to return to the field to travel back in time and make extraordinary discoveries. 

Animated films

Experts travel back in time


As part of its missions to report on research results and disseminate archaeological knowledge, the National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research has supported, produced or co-produced audiovisual documentaries intended for the widest audience or archaeology enthusiasts.


Guédelon - the rebirth of a medieval castle