Ministère de la culture Inrap

Aragatsotn, Agarak

"Agarak” Historical and Cultural Reserve

FreeFriday 14 June



The large number of excavated pottery, burned clay-made statuettes, remains of round and horseshoe hearths, pedestals allow to attribute these times of ​​habitation of Agarak to the Middle Ages of Shengavit or Qura-Arax archeological culture dating back to BC 29-27 centuries. The presence of an Urartian cave masoleum, an Urartian-stamped huge pots buried there and pottery on the southern side of the platform allows us to say that the Agarak archaeological site was inhabited in the BC 8-6th centuries as well. After the collapse of the Van Kingdom, Agarak was a large urban-type settlement.



"Preparation of a three-dimensional model of a farm rock-cut tomb"

The participants will make on-site replicas of clay figurines found as a result of archaeological research. (educational program and thematic excursion)


Friday 14 June de 12:00 à 14:00

Children, Family, Schoolchildren

Schoolchildren :

Primary, Secondary school (11-15 years), Secondary school (15 years and up)

Press contact:

Vanyan Harutyun


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  • 25401_vignette_Agarak.jfif

Access map

44.27809596782851 40.29550678273909